Reversal Factory


The artist's book Reversal Factory is published in an edition of 10 copies, plus an artist's edition. It brings together images from the archives of Kodak-Pathé (Chalon-sur-Saône, FR) and Agfa-Gevaert NV (Antwerp, BE). These industrial photographs trace the production of film and photographic paper. They are first digitised, then transformed into black and white negatives. From these negatives, the artist makes prints on photo paper, using various experimental effects such as solarisation.

Technical characteristics of the book: Awagami Kozo 110 g/m² paper, archival pigment print made by Picto (Paris, FR), binding by La Rivière Sèche (Brussels, BE), steel case made by Lasenco (Gent, BE), and one-sided printing by Picto (Paris, FR).